Get 2,500 fans on Facebook to like your page.
Achievements & Badges
This is a list of the goals you should be striving for and the order you should accomplish them.
10 Comments On One Post
Get your first 10 comments on one post you share on Facebook.
500 Visitors a Day
Get 500 visitors a day to visit your website 3 days in a row. At this point, you now qualify to show ads on your website and to start seeing revenue!
4,000 Facebook Fans
You now have 4,000 fans that have liked your Facebook page.
1,000 Visitors a Day
Get 1,000 visitors a day to visit your website 3 days in a row. (This means more money in your pocket)
5,000 Facebook Fans
Get 5,000 fans on Facebook to like your page.
Daily Facebook Engagement Ads
You have now started running daily engagement ads (this can be completed after 4 days)
Completed Core Training
Completed all the Core Training lessons.
Viral 10,000+ Visitors
Get your first viral article as measured by a total of 10,000+ visitors to your website in one day.
2,500 Visitors A Day
Get 2,500 visitors to your website 3 days in a row.
5,000 Visitors A Day
Get 5,000 visitors to your website 3 days in a row
Viral 25,000+ Visitors
Get a viral article as measured by a total of 25,000+ visitors to your website in one day.
Viral 50,000+ Visitors
Get your first viral article as measured by a total of 50,000+ visitors to your website in one day.
Viral 100,000+ Visitors
Get your first viral article as measured by a total of 100,000+ visitors to your website in one day.
Place Custom Audience Pixel
You have watched the video on how to install the Facebook custom Audience pixel and installed it.
6 Cent Clicks
Achieve Facebook Fans For Under $.06 (always let your ads run a minimum of 24 hours before you consider them a failure)