Achievements & Badges

This is a list of the goals you should be striving for and the order you should accomplish them.


500 Visitors a Day

Get 500 visitors a day to visit your website 3 days in a row. At this point, you now qualify to show ads on your website and to start seeing revenue!


1,000 Visitors a Day

Get 1,000 visitors a day to visit your website 3 days in a row. (This means more money in your pocket)


Viral 10,000+ Visitors

Get your first viral article as measured by a total of 10,000+ visitors to your website in one day.


Viral 25,000+ Visitors

Get a viral article as measured by a total of 25,000+ visitors to your website in one day.


Viral 50,000+ Visitors

Get your first viral article as measured by a total of 50,000+ visitors to your website in one day.


Viral 100,000+ Visitors

Get your first viral article as measured by a total of 100,000+ visitors to your website in one day.


6 Cent Clicks

Achieve Facebook Fans For Under $.06 (always let your ads run a minimum of 24 hours before you consider them a failure)

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